[ Profile ]



Name: Mónica N. Galván

Nickname: Monica-NG, Arinna, Alkalphien…

Birthday: 4 of November

Zodiac: Occidental: Scorpio, Celtic: Reed (Ngetal), Chinese: Rabit/Hare. Totem: Swan

Place: Málaga (Spain)

Languages: Spanish & English.

Proffesion: Teacher. Writer and freelance artist.

Hobbies: Read, drawing, painting, writting, dolling, web design... Listen music, computer, videogames, roleplaying, Manga/Anime, cinema! Make dresses to my dolls, plushies... and other handicrafts.

Obsessions: Mythology!!! Astronomy, mystical and magic world, animals, natural world and others.

Colors: Purple, Black, Green.

Favourite Author: G.A. Bécquer with his "Rimas & Leyendas"

Favourite Books:

Favorite Music:  Soundtracks (is what commonly I listen, from the films below) and Celtic music.

Favorite movies & series: Rome, The Tudors, Gladiator, The Lord of the Rings , Hercules, Mongol, The Ring of the Nibelungs, Attila, Alexander, King Arthur, Merlin, The Mists of Avalon, Hero, Crouching Tigger Hidden Dragon, The House of Flying Daggers...

Favorite animal: Orcas are my fav, but I love animals in general, specially birds! :)


LTnnOg: Legendario Tir na n'Og, © 2004-2025 Monica N. Galvan. All rights reserved. All texts, stories, characters, images and webdesign belongs to MonicaNG unless otherwise stated.
Don't reproduce or redistribute any material without written permission of the author.
LTnnOg: Legendario Tir na n'Og, © 2004-2025 Mónica N. Galván. Todos los derechos reservados. Todos los textos, historias, personajes, imágenes y diseño web pertenecen a MonicaNG salvo que se indique lo contrario.
No está permitido reproducir o distribuir ningún material de esta web sin permisio escrito de la autora.